يتم تشغيل Polestar في الإمارات العربية المتحدة بواسطة شركة الفطيم للتنقل الكهربائي

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Power meter

The power meter indicates when the car is being driven on electricity, when it is recovering energy to the battery, or when regeneration is limited.
PS2-21w22-Power meter in driver display
Power meter location is to the right in the driver display.
  1. PS-Icon circle 1Grey dashed – regeneration to the battery is limited.
  2. PS-Icon circle 2Orange dashed – forceful braking counteracts the possibility of regeneration.
  3. PS-Icon circle 3White – regeneration with the accelerator pedal or the brake pedal.
  4. PS-Icon circle 4Orange – the car is consuming energy.
  5. PS-Icon circle 5Dashed – the electrical drive system is limited.

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يتم تشغيل Polestar في الإمارات العربية المتحدة بواسطة شركة الفطيم للتنقل الكهربائي