Reading the Manual

To get to know your new vehicle, read the Manual before driving it for the first time.

Reading your Manual is a way to familiarize yourself with new features and functions, get advice on how to handle the vehicle in different situations, and to learn how to take advantage of everything it has to offer. Pay particular attention to the safety warnings and important information provided in the Manual. The various sections should be read in full.

The intention of this Manual is to explain all of the possible features, functions, options and extras included in a Polestar vehicle. It is not intended as an indication or guarantee that all of these features, functions and options are included in every vehicle. Some terminology used may not exactly match terminology used in sales, marketing and advertising materials.

Polestar continuously works to develop and improve our products. Modifications can mean that information, descriptions and illustrations in the Manual differ from the equipment in the vehicle. We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.


The information in the center display for your vehicle may differ from the information on Polestar's support site.

© Polestar


In addition to standard equipment, the Manual also describes options (factory-installed equipment) and certain extras (additional retrofitted equipment).

At the time of publication, known options and extras are marked with an asterisk: *.

The equipment described in the Manual is not available in all vehicles. Vehicles may be equipped differently depending on market requirements and national or local laws and regulations.

For questions regarding what is standard and what is an option/extra, please contact Polestar Customer Support for additional information.


There are various types of decals affixed in the vehicle to communicate important information in a clear manner. The importance of these decals is explained as follows, in descending order of importance.

Risk of injury

PS2- 250w07- Decal warning

Black ISO symbols on a yellow warning field, white text/image on a black message field. Used to indicate potential danger. Ignoring a warning of this type could result in serious injury or death.

Risk of damage

PS2- 20w07- Decal notice

White ISO symbols and white text/image on a black or blue warning field and message field. Used to indicate potential danger. Ignoring a warning of this type could result in damage.


PS2- 20w07- Decal information

White ISO symbols and white text/image on a black message field.


The decals shown in the Manual do not claim to be exact reproductions of those found in the vehicle. The purpose is to show approximately how they look and about where they are located. The information that applies for your vehicle in particular is found on the decal on the vehicle.

Illustrations, images and video clips

Illustrations, images and video clips used in the Manual are sometimes generic and are intended to provide an overview or an example of a certain function or feature. They may vary depending on equipment level and market and may differ from the appearance of your vehicle.

  1. * Option/accessory.

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