Center display
Center display overview
Many of the vehicle's functions can be controlled from the center display. The center display and its possibilities are presented below.
Restarting the center display
If a function in the center display stops working or the system freezes, it can help to restart the display.
Handling the center display
Many of the vehicle's functions and features can be controlled and adjusted from the center display. The center display is a touchscreen that reacts to taps and other gestures.
Center display’s views
The center display is automatically activated when the driver's door is opened.
Handling tiles in the center display
The center display's Home and App views contain expandable tiles.
Symbols in the center display status bar
Below is an overview of symbols displayed in the center display status bar.
Vehicle Function view in center display
In Vehicle Function view, all settings and buttons are collected under the various tiles. Navigate to Vehicle Function view from Home view by tapping . To switch between the tiles in Vehicle Function view, tap a heading. For additional functions, tap More.
Moving apps in the center display
App view consists of four tiles containing apps that can be moved and organized according to preference. Expand a tile for access to additional apps than those displayed. Recently installed apps are placed in App view.
Messages in the center display
The following illustration shows how messages and notifications may appear in the center display in different situations.
Keyboard in center display
You can use the keyboard in the center display to enter characters or to switch to handwriting mode to "write" letters and characters on the screen.
Entering characters, letters and words by hand in the center display
Characters, letters and words can be entered in the center display by handwriting them on the touchscreen.
Changing keyboard language in center display
In order to toggle between keyboard languages, the languages must first be added under Settings.
Date and time
The clock is shown in the center display, where it is also possible to change settings for date and time.
User profiles