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Closing the loop with Houdini

Greater circularity is the goal. Polestar is loud and proud when it comes to our environmental ambitions, circularity our ultimate aim. The components of used products becoming raw material for new products is, after all, a natural progression.

Not only are we striving for that ourselves, we’re teaming up with those who share the same ambitions. Swedish outdoor brand Houdini, an inspiration and a collaborator of ours for some time, is making huge strides towards complete circularity. Such as the world’s first clothing compost, run by Houdini together with Stockholm’s Rosendals Trädgård. The ecologically sourced garments are first created in the southwestern Swedish ski town of Ulricehamn. These same fabrics end their life cycle in the clothing compost test lab of Rosendals. And in keeping with our loud-and-proud approach, we want to (digitally) shout it from the rooftops. So, we made a video about it. See above.