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Key reading locations

Keys interact with specific points in the car. Be aware of how different keys are read in different situations.


Your distance-capable key also has NFC1 functionality. This means that even if your distance-capable key has a low or discharged battery, you can still use it as a key card. Therefore, any reference to key card functionality applies to discharged distance-capable keys too.
Interaction points for keys.
  1. 1Your distance-capable key unlocks and locks the car at short distances.
  2. 2Key reading sensor in the driver door pillar
  3. 3Card reader between the front seats
Specific location of NFC reader near the driver door

Key reading location for key cards. Make sure the card is laid flat against the reader.

Card reader location.

The card reader between the front seats is also the wireless charger.

  1. 1 Near Field Communication

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Polestar is operated in Hong Kong by Wearnes Motors