Emergency assistance with Polestar Connect
Polestar Assistance
To summon help in case of illness, external threats to the car or passengers, Polestar Assistance can be alerted manually by depressing the SOS button for at least 2 seconds. Polestar Assistance is notified and told of the car's position, etc., and attempts to establish verbal contact with the driver in order to agree what assistance is needed.
If verbal contact cannot be established, Polestar Assistance contacts the necessary assistance (police, ambulance, recovery, etc.) to help with the appropriate action.
Prioritise public emergency number
It is possible to set up the system so that the car calls a public emergency call centre instead of Polestar Assistance. See the separate instructions.
Emergency number
When the collision alarm is activated the system attempts to establish contact with the country's Polestar Assistance. If this is not possible, then the call is routed to the designated emergency number for the area where the car is located.
The ON CALL - and SOS buttons can be deactivated when the car's electrical system is in ignition position I, II or if the engine is running: