The key locks and unlocks the doors and boot lid. The key or phone needs to be inside the car for it to be started.
The key is not physically used when starting since the car is equipped with support for keyless starting (Passive Start). You simply need to have the key or phone in the front part of the passenger compartment.
These keys can be linked to different driver profiles to save personal preferences in the car.
The key's buttons
If anyone is left in the car, make sure the power windows are de-energised by always taking the key with you when you leave the car.
Be aware of the risk of locking the key in the car.
- A key left in the car will be deactivated when the car is locked and the alarm is armed using another valid key. The "Double lock" function is also deactivated. The key left behind is reactivated when the car is unlocked.
Key functions for keyless starting and keyless locking and unlocking can be disrupted by electromagnetic fields and screening.
Avoid storing the key close to metal objects or electronic apparatus, e.g. phones, tablets, laptops or chargers - preferably no closer than 10-15 cm (4-6 inches).
If there is still interference - use the key's detachable key blade to unlock and then place the key in the backup reader in the cup holder to disarm the car and allow the car to be started.
When the key is placed in the cup holder, make sure that no other car keys, metal objects or electronic apparatus (e.g. phones, tablets, laptops or chargers) are in the cup holder. Several car keys close to each other in the cup holder can cause interference with each other.