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Data sharing for driver profile

When you start using a new driver profile, the data sharing settings for the profile will be set to the car's default settings and be deactivated.

If you choose to start using a new driver profile, data sharing needs to be activated for the online services to be used by the profile. This is also applicable if you have activated data sharing for online services in other driver profiles on previous occasions.

Sometimes, after a workshop visit or a software update, some settings in your car may have been reset to their defaults. As the data sharing settings are unique to each driver profile, data sharing needs to be re-activated individually for each profile.


When you buy a Polestar, the delivery centre can often provide assistance with settings in the car and go through the various setting options with you as customer. Among other things, this could mean that data sharing was already activated for connected services in the new car at the time of delivery.

If you then start to use a new driver profile, the data sharing settings for the new profile will be deactivated and need to be activated for the connected services that shall be used. This also applies to data sharing settings for downloaded apps.

Checking which driver profile is being used

The data sharing settings may differ for different driver profiles in your car. For example, a profile may have data sharing for just one online service activated, while another may have activated the function for all services and downloaded apps.

If you find that some apps or online services do not seem to be working as they should in your car, e.g. if you are repeatedly asked to allow data sharing for certain functions, check which driver profile is active and the services for which the profile has activated data sharing.

You can change the driver profile under Profile in the top view in your centre display.

You can always choose to activate data sharing for the online services that you want to be able to use in a driver profile, but all the changes you make will be temporary if the profile has protected and saved its settings. This is because all settings for a protected driver profile will be returned to the last values saved when the car is switched off and locked.

To save changes made to a protected driver profile, go to SettingsSystemDriver ProfilesEdit Profile in your centre display and press Save changes for profile at the bottom edge of the screen.

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