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Driver profiles

Driver profiles

Many of the vehicle's settings can be customized to the driver's personal preferences and saved in one or more driver profiles.

Changing a driver profile's name

It is possible to change the names of the different driver profiles used in the vehicle.

Linking a key to a driver profile

A remote key can be linked to a driver profile. This driver profile and all of its settings will then automatically be selected every time the vehicle is used with that particular key.

Protecting a driver profile

It may not always be desirable to store settings made in the vehicle to the active driver profile. In these instances, the driver profile can be protected.

Selecting a driver profile

When the center display starts up, the selected driver profile will be shown at the top of the screen. The most recently used driver profile will be active the next time the vehicle is unlocked. A different driver profile can be selected once the vehicle has been unlocked. However, if the key has been linked to a driver profile, this profile will be used instead.

Resetting driver profile settings

Settings that have been saved for one or more driver profiles can be reset when the vehicle is stationary.