Polestar test drives can be booked online via our test drive portal. If any assistance is required with booking your test drive, please reach out to Polestar support.
We have a fleet of demo models available to test drive and Polestar test drives can be booked online through the test drive portal. Book a test drive
Test drives can be conducted at one of our retail locations, called Spaces. If any assistance is required with booking your test drive, please reach out to Polestar support. Contact Polestar Support
We also have special events where test drives may be available. Please check our events page to explore upcoming events in your area and around the world.View Polestar events
Visit the Polestar test drive portal to find a test drive location near you.
If you want to cancel your test drive, open the confirmation email you received when booking the test drive and click “Cancel test drive.” To reschedule a test drive, follow the same steps for cancellation before making another booking. If you require any assistance with canceling or rescheduling your test drive, please reach out to Polestar support.
Once you have scheduled a test drive you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your selected location, date and time. Closer to the time you may receive a call reminding you of your test drive appointment.
Yes, we do offer test drives at some special events or car shows. Please visit our events page to explore upcoming events in the U.S. and around the world.
Please check our events page to explore upcoming events in the U.S. and around the world.